Overdue payments could be costing your business more money than they’re worth. We help you collect the right way, FAST!
Uncollected payments are a financial burden – in more ways than you think.
You didn’t get into business to chase delinquent accounts. Time spent trying to collect debts takes attention from current operations and future sales. Worse still, debts lose value over time – the longer they go unpaid, the less they are worth!
The National Retail Credit Association Research Department reports that outstanding debts devalue by 10% in 90 days, by 33% in 6 months and after 1 year, you lose more than half of an unpaid account’s value! ”Focus on what you do best, and leave debt collection to the professionals. If you have delinquent accounts, it makes good business sense to hire experts.”
At UCM we pride ourselves on resolving unpaid accounts quickly and smoothly. In fact, we’re so confident about our success rate that, for eligible accounts, we don’t get paid unless you get paid!
We are licensed and bonded collection agency, staffed by professionals respectful of the Collection Agency Act.