Pay your
account Securely
Owe money? Outstanding debts don’t just disappear!
Payments can be made right here on the website. It’s completely safe and 100% secure and your outstanding debt problems could be solved in minutes! It’s safe and secure.
Payment may be made…
1. Payment by mail or in person at our office.(Call us for details)
2. Pre-Authorized Debit (Download your Automatic Withdrawal)
3. Internet & telephone banking, set up (Unik Credit Management) on your payee’s list with your bank and quote your eight digit account number (ex. DB012345) to make payments.
Request Your
Credit Report
Don’t let minor debts today cause serious problems tomorrow.
We all know there are things that come up suddenly that demand access to credit. It’s stressful to be in need of finance, but find yourself unable to access it due to minor, unresolved debts in your past.
Even the smallest missed payment can lead to serious problems down the line. For example, a missed payment with a utility company today could mean being turned down on credit applications in future.
That’s serious limitation to your financial options.
No matter who it is with – be it independent professionals, banks, municipalities, contractors, or utility companies – we make it simple for you to manage outstanding debt.
Contact us now for immediate advice or for more information from our staff about clearing your outstanding debts.